Thursday, February 23, 2006

TextMate: the definitive editor?

Unfortunately it appears I've no time to talk about programming. It takes lot of time to think about something useful, to write examples and such. However, I promise I will doing it soon.

And yet I'm again talking about a text editor. In fact since most of my computer time is spent on an editor, this makes sense. It's the most crucial application to me (and the one I spend most time to learn using its full power).

I already said I discovered TextMate. The more I study the more I'm amazed. In fact it did substitute Aquamacs even for latex editing. The new bundle is perfectly integrated with Texniscope and "Command-B" opens in TextMate the pdf document compiled from the document I'm editing. That makes environment such that TexShop almost useless to me.

Emacs is more powerful. But most of the times I'm not using that power. It's my fault, of course. Still TextMate is always open on my Mac, and I started using it even for latex. That's the main reason. If I have to do a very long latex editing session I still do prefer Aquamacs.

The Python mode is now wonderful. It lets me check my sources with pychecker or with pyflakes. It allows me to run them from inside TextMate, lets me run unit-tests with one command. And even more. Right at the moment it's the best python programming environment I've ever met (a part from WingIDE).

The only thing I'm missing right now is a "prolog mode". And probably I have to work on TextMate/Xcode integration (it has been done, but I haven't done it yet). Oh, and I'm looking forward to see TextMate 2, that should have massive improvements on the "project management" side. And probably I'd like some more refined auto-completion with static languages. This could have somehow been added (TextMate can be extended and customized a lot, still in a really simple way), but I've not yet discovered if and how.

But the reason I wrote this is another. For years the "Text editors" with capital T have been Emacs and vim. BBEdit was a beautiful Mac editor, but first it is very web-oriented, second it is somehow less powerful in the way it deals with text.

On the windows platform I have not found really impressive text editors. There are a bunch that are powerful and easy to use. But in fact I installed vim (gvim) and I was happy with that. Most such editors were more concerned in "integrating" command line utilities (compilers, latex, interpreters) with the editor not to have the "programmer" opening the "DOS console" than pure text editing.

Newer editor for Linux (Kate for example) also paled in comparison with Emacs or vim. Now I'm wondering:

  1. Was I superficial? It is possible that no one did something that could be compared with vim or Emacs before TextMate? This seems really unlikely.
  2. Why haven't I spotted such editors? They exist? Let me know. I'm talking about "pure text editors", not about "IDEs".

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