Sunday, June 13, 2010

Prolog Homoiconicity

Although when talking about homoiconicity the first language that springs into mind is Lisp (or a Lisp dialect), Prolog is a completely homoiconic language. In Prolog everything is a term. Variables, atoms, numbers are terms. And everything else is a compound term: e.g., foo(a, b) is a term. Lists are the main data structure of Prolog, and a list is a term as well. In fact a Prolog list is i) the empty list []; ii) a term '.'(a, b), where a is a term and b is a list or a variable. We say that a compound term foo(x, y) has functor foo and arity 2. Clauses (the prolog equivalent of "functions") are represented as terms whose main functor is :-, their head is a prolog term and their body is a prolog term as well. Moreover, the read predicate reads from file (or standard input) some prolog predicates. E.g., this simple Prolog program reads a Prolog program into memory (and the program is represented as a list of prolog terms):
read_all([Predicate|T]) :-
	Predicate \== end_of_file, !,

read_file(File, L) :-
	see(File), read_all(L), seen.
If we call read_file to read "" (spaces added by me):
?- read_file('', L).
L = [(read_all([_A|_B]):-read(_A),_A\==end_of_file,!,read_all(_B)),
     (read_file(_C,_D):-see(_C),read_all(_D),seen)] ? y
The display predicate some prolog interpreters provide gives us more insight on internal representation of terms. We call it on just one rule in order not to clutter the output with list representations:
?- read_file('', [H|_]), display(H).
And here on the full program (notice... lists are "consed" with the '.' functor):
?- read_file('', L), display(L).
Indeed, infix operators have been placed in prefix form like every other predicate (indeed, they are not special, just a parsing trick). Another "useful" predicate (not standard) is portray_clause/1, in order to do some "pretty-printing":
?- read_file('', [H|_]), portray_clause(H).
read_all([A|B]) :-
        A\==end_of_file, !,

The assert family of predicates can “store” into the Prolog database facts (this is very common, in fact, memoization is often implemented this way) and rules (this is done less frequently – and there may be a slight efficiency penality [CHECK]). Thus we can manipulate terms (indeed that is what Prolog is about) and load them as programs. Notice that I showed the read predicate only to show that “standard” Prolog programs are represented that way, but it is not necessary at all to use programs saved in files.

4 ?- assert((foo(X) :- bar(X), \+ baz(X))).

5 ?- assert(bar(1)), assert(bar(2)), assert(baz(2)).

6 ?- foo(X).
X = 1 .

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