Thursday, October 28, 2010

jEdit 2

Seems I forgot to mention that it supports rectangular selections, vertical editing (meaning that it is possible to modify more lines with the same command).

I also found quite useful buffer local properties (written in the file itself). However, I feel that using a completely different standard from Emacs and vi is not a very good idea. Yeah, Java is a world on its own.

Unfortunately, it seems that development is going quite slow. Well, as a TextMate user I should not comment on this... ;)

Unfortunately IDEs like IntelliJ have so much more features that for Java development jEdit is not on par. On the other hand the startup times are very reasonable even on my netbook. I actually favor jEdit over other Windows evolved editors. I need more time in order to make a serious comparison with BBEdit (which I have used since the first versions) and TextMate (which is somehow even more intuitive).

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