Saturday, May 12, 2012

About doing other people homework (funny functional programming in Python)...

Some time ago there was a kid who asked us to perform his homework. The assignment was to write a program that took 10 numbers from the user and print sum and average. It was a matter of utmost urgency, according to him.

Unfortunately enough, back then I decided that doing his homework was bad. I think it would have been far funnier if he would give his teacher this program:

(lambda it, sys: (
    lambda n: (
        lambda F, nxt: nxt(
                lambda dummy: (F(int) * F(raw_input))(),
                it.takewhile(lambda m: m < n, it.count()))
                type('F+', (object, ), {
                    '__init__' : lambda self, f: setattr(self, 'f', f),
                    '__mul__': lambda self, g:
                        type(self)(lambda *stuff: self.f(g(*stuff))),
                    '__call__': lambda self, *stuff: self.f(*stuff)}),
                lambda seq: sys.stdout.write(
                    "%d %f" % (

Next time, I will surely do this sort of things. By the way, what about Python not being functional enough?
Yeah... it is not really PEP compliant. Don't think it matters, though.


JustGlowing said...

hehe, that's hilarious :)

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

Glad you like it!