Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Is laziness tiring? (part 1)


A part from the obvious pun, I effectively consider laziness tiring. Let me explain: I'm quite used to lazy languages, I've used Haskell for some time, and I use effectively Python lazy features extensively. Moreover, it has been a while I use clojure as well.

Laziness is an extremely powerful conceptual abstraction: it is like having an optimizing compiler tailored at not perusing your sequences, so that you can write code in a natural way. I would definitely want some form of laziness (especially sequence based laziness) in every language high level enough that it does not hurt.

Moreover, lazy sequences do not have many of the usual drawbacks of default lazyness. First, you somehow have to explicitly require it; when not required is there but it does not hurt either (e.g., map). It does not play extremely well with side-effects, but in clojure the language is designed to limit the scope of expressions with side effect.

However, I decided to understand more fully how lazyness works in clojure.

lazy-seq and cons

This is a simple code I wrote to test multiple functions on a given collection and see how they fare.

Essentially benchmark is a macro taking a vector of functions. It builds code fragments which call the desired function on the list and prints the time needed. We use a slow-computation function which sleeps for 500 ms. This way is easy to count calls to slow-computation.

One of the more interesting examples I found is this one:

Here the list is a completely lazy list of three elements. The results are expected: list?, seq?, identity do not do anything with their argument, which is not evaluated (by the way list? is false, seq? is true). first has to evaluate the first element (which is expected), empty evaluates the first element to see if there is such an element. seq should return nil for empty sequences, and as a consequence has to evaluate the first element.

rest also evaluates the first element, but not the successive. I'm not sure if it would be possible to return the cdr of the list without evaluating the car; probably not with clojure lazyness model. next is worse: it evaluates the first element (like rest), but then calls seq on the result, and that leads to the execution of another element.

lazy-seq and list

This example is slightly different, but is trivial, indeed. There is just one lazy seq: the contained list has to be evaluated altogether for every function that needs at least one element.

lazy-seq and concat

The following example, started to surprise me.

As far as I could tell, concat should return a lazy sequence over the lists. It is probably my misunderstanding, but I thought that identity, seq, first, list? and empty? should evaluate one or no elements. I decided to write more benchmark functions.

The results are here:

However, when running the first example the perceived time was akin to the second: simply the evaluation was not timed because it was done (at least) when binding in the let form. Then I got the illumination. Laziness is a bitch: the point here is that it is list that is not lazy. By the way, why should it be. So it does not matter what I do: the time is already spent when I get into concat. I understand that this is trivial: however, I find strange having tp reason about "when things happen" the point of laziness being "not reasoning about when things happen".

Anyway, using lazy-seq, things work as expected:

But what about a "warn on eager", which alerts when something that should be lazy is instead eager?

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