Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Open in Terminal from Finder

This is a trivial AppleScript
tell application "Finder"
        set targ to target of Finder window 1
        set myPath to POSIX path of (targ as string)
end tell
tell application "Terminal" to do script "cd \""& myPath &"\""
Here you can see a couple of screenshots.
If you want to download the application (with pretty icon) that uses it, you can download it from here.
Edit: Thanks to Marco Balestra for showing me his own script (that does the same thing, but is much cleaner). Now I included his script instead of mine.
on run
        tell application "Finder" to try
                set myPath to quoted form of ¬
                        POSIX path of ((target of window 1) as string)
        on error
                set myPath to "~"
        end try
        tell application "Terminal"
                do script "cd "& myPath
        end tell
end run

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