Saturday, September 4, 2010


I recently stumbled[0] on the ErgoEmacs project. Well, it looks very promising.
I like the huge set of libraries they packed in and how easy it is the installation process.
If I discovered this one before, it would have saved me lots of time in learning the minimum basis of elisp needed to configure my emacs.

Unfortunately, in the meantime (which means... a lot of years, indeed) when my brains sees an Emacs window, it switches to Emacs mode. That is to say that  the easier keybindings ErgoEmacs provides are, for me, very hard to learn. This is rather surprising, since when I use TextMate or BBEdit I don't have no troubles in using the editors (though many Emacs keybindings are recognized).

I don't even have troubles with vim. Why is so hard to use an Emacs which does not behave like Emacs, considering I'm not particularly fond of how Emacs behaves? What did Emacs do to my brain?


[0] Thanks, Nicola!

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