Essentially, I think the best is the one using closures. In fact, while writing the python version, I also wrote a scheme version.
Although scheme is mostly a functional language, I will use the very same example to move towards a more imperative style. In Python I made my code "more functional"; the experiment is now making the code "more imperative" in scheme.
I show here the python code as an immediate reference:
@apply def int2roman(): weights = { 900 : 'CM', 500 : 'D', 400 : 'CD', 100 : 'C', 90 : 'XC', 50 : 'L', 40 : 'XL', 10 : 'X', 9 : 'IX', 5 : 'V', 4 : 'IV', 1 : 'I'} sorted_weights_tuples = sorted(weights.iteritems(), reverse=True) def int2roman(n): thousands, n = divmod(n, 1000) roman_digits = ['M', ] * thousands for m, s in sorted_weights_tuples: while n >= m: roman_digits.append(s) n -= m return ''.join(roman_digits) return int2roman
I wrote two helper functions: the first one essentially is equivalent to the inner while loop in Python, the other one to the for loop.
(define simplify-by-weight (lambda (weight ch n digits) (letrec ([sbw (lambda (n digits) (cond ((< n weight) (cons n digits)) (else (sbw (- n weight) (cons ch digits)))))]) (sbw n digits)))) (define simplify-all (lambda (weights n digits) (cond ((null? weights) digits) (else (let* ([ret (simplify-by-weight (caar weights) (cadar weights) n digits)] [n (car ret)] [digits (cdr ret)]) (simplify-all (cdr weights) n digits))))))
The idea to make the code more imperative looking or more imperative tout court comes from the idea that 4 lines in Python became 18 lines in scheme. This is not a "python vs. scheme". The solution I proposed in Python is, in my opinion, far more easier to read and undertand because it's so much shorter and the scheme version is cluttered with iteration details/function calls where it should have been much easier. New versions will be proposed. In the meantime, here it is the main function:
(define integer->roman-a (let ([weights (sort '((1 "I") (4 "IV") (5 "V") (9 "IX") (10 "X") (40 "XL") (50 "L") (90 "XC") (100 "C") (400 "CD") (500 "D") (900 "CM")) > #:key car)]) (lambda (n) (let-values ([(thousands n) (quotient/remainder n 1000)]) (foldl string-append "" (simplify-all weights n(build-list thousands (lambda (_) "M"))))))) )Apparently this is not a closure. However, remember that in scheme let is essentially syntactical sugar over a lambda form. In fact, we could have been made the closure more apparent writing the function this way:
(define integer->roman-b ((lambda (weights) (lambda (n) (let-values ([(thousands n) (quotient/remainder n 1000)]) (foldl string-append "" (simplify-all weights n(build-list thousands (lambda (_) "M"))))))) (sort '((1 "I") (4 "IV") (5 "V") (9 "IX") (10 "X") (40 "XL") (50 "L") (90 "XC") (100 "C") (400 "CD") (500 "D") (900 "CM")) > #:key car)))
I have to confess that I like the foldl/string-append thing more than the python append/join.
This is, of course, just a matter of taste. I could have made the code simpler pushing the while logic in an iterator and then simply using list comprehensions. However, I believe the design would have been far more complicated.
In order to simplify the code of the first two functions, I will:
- use more special forms (or different variants of special forms)
- try to eliminate the functions as independent units
- if necessary, use more forms provided by racket (most of them can be added to any scheme with macros)
(define simplify-by-weight (lambda (weight ch n digits) (let loop ([n n] [digits digits]) (cond ((< n weight) (cons n digits)) (else (loop (- n weight) (cons ch digits)))))))
It is simple enough to be removed:
(define simplify-all (lambda (weights n digits) (cond ((null? weights) digits) (else (let* ([weight (caar weights)] [ch (cadar weights)] [ret (let loop ([n n] [digits digits]) (cond ((< n weight) (cons n digits)) (else (loop (- n weight) (cons ch digits)))))] [n (car ret)] [digits (cdr ret)]) (simplify-all (cdr weights) n digits))))))
In fact, with let-values and values code could be simplified a lot.
Essentially here the problem is that we have two nested loops
and they loop on two different things and the value of n is logically modified.
Here we are simply using named lets to express loops:
(define simplify-all (lambda (weights n digits) (let next-weight ([n n] [digits digits] [weight-pair (car weights)] [weights (cdr weights)]) (let ([weight (car weight-pair)] [ch (cadr weight-pair)]) (let simplify-again ([n n] [digits digits]) (cond ((< n weight) (cond ((null? weights) digits) (else (next-weight n digits (car weights) (cdr weights))))) (else (simplify-again (- n weight) (cons ch digits)))))))))
Now the tentative is using the destructive state change:
(define simplify-all-e (lambda (weights n digits) (for-each (lambda (weight-pair) (let ([weight (car weight-pair)] [ch (cadr weight-pair)]) (let simplify-again () (cond ((< n weight) null) (else (set! n (- n weight)) (set! digits (cons ch digits)) (simplify-again)))))) weights) digits))The above code can be improved using the for special form and unless (which we should already have used):
(define simplify-all (lambda (weights n digits) (for ([weight-pair weights]) (let ([weight (car weight-pair)] [ch (cadr weight-pair)]) (let simplify-again () (unless (< n weight) (set! n (- n weight)) (set! digits (cons ch digits)) (simplify-again))))) digits))
We are still longer than the four python lines, but we are no longer more complicated. In fact, considering scheme macros, we can define a while/until pair of special forms which simplify the code greatly:
(define simplify-all-g (lambda (weights n digits) (for ([weight-pair weights]) (let ([weight (car weight-pair)] [ch (cadr weight-pair)]) (until (< n weight) (set! n (- n weight)) (set! digits (cons ch digits))))) digits))
Some performance measures here.
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