Thursday, August 26, 2010

Romans in scheme

I described (here and here) three different ways to write the code to represent an integer in "roman" format.
Essentially, I think the best is the one using closures. In fact, while writing the python version, I also wrote a scheme version.

Although scheme is mostly a functional language, I will use the very same example to move towards a more imperative style. In Python I made my code "more functional"; the experiment is now making the code "more imperative" in scheme.

I show here the python code as an immediate reference:
def int2roman():
    weights = { 900 : 'CM', 500 : 'D', 400 : 'CD', 100 : 'C',
                90  : 'XC', 50  : 'L', 40  : 'XL', 10  : 'X',
                9   : 'IX', 5   : 'V', 4   : 'IV', 1   : 'I'}
    sorted_weights_tuples = sorted(weights.iteritems(), reverse=True)
    def int2roman(n):
        thousands, n = divmod(n, 1000)
        roman_digits = ['M', ] * thousands

        for m, s in sorted_weights_tuples:
            while n >= m:
                n -= m

        return ''.join(roman_digits)
    return int2roman

I wrote two helper functions: the first one essentially is equivalent to the inner while loop in Python, the other one to the for loop.

(define simplify-by-weight
  (lambda (weight ch n digits)
    (letrec ([sbw 
              (lambda (n digits)
                (cond ((< n weight) (cons n digits))
                       (sbw (- n weight) (cons ch digits)))))])
      (sbw n digits))))

(define simplify-all
  (lambda (weights n digits)
      ((null? weights) digits)
       (let* ([ret (simplify-by-weight (caar weights) (cadar weights) n digits)]
              [n (car ret)]
              [digits (cdr ret)])
         (simplify-all (cdr weights) n digits))))))

The idea to make the code more imperative looking or more imperative tout court comes from the idea that 4 lines in Python became 18 lines in scheme. This is not a "python vs. scheme". The solution I proposed in Python is, in my opinion, far more easier to read and undertand because it's so much shorter and the scheme version is cluttered with iteration details/function calls where it should have been much easier. New versions will be proposed. In the meantime, here it is the main function:

(define integer->roman-a
  (let ([weights (sort '((1 "I") (4 "IV") (5 "V") (9 "IX") (10 "X")
                                 (40 "XL") (50 "L") (90 "XC") (100 "C")
                                 (400 "CD") (500 "D") (900 "CM"))
                       #:key car)])
    (lambda (n)
      (let-values ([(thousands n) (quotient/remainder n 1000)])
        (foldl string-append ""
               (simplify-all weights n(build-list thousands (lambda (_) "M")))))))
Apparently this is not a closure. However, remember that in scheme let is essentially syntactical sugar over a lambda form. In fact, we could have been made the closure more apparent writing the function this way:
(define integer->roman-b
  ((lambda (weights)
     (lambda (n)
       (let-values ([(thousands n) (quotient/remainder n 1000)])
         (foldl string-append ""
           (simplify-all weights n(build-list thousands (lambda (_) "M")))))))
   (sort '((1 "I") (4 "IV") (5 "V") (9 "IX") (10 "X")
                   (40 "XL") (50 "L") (90 "XC") (100 "C")
                   (400 "CD") (500 "D") (900 "CM"))
         #:key car))) 

I have to confess that I like the foldl/string-append thing more than the python append/join.
This is, of course, just a matter of taste. I could have made the code simpler pushing the while logic in an iterator and then simply using list comprehensions. However, I believe the design would have been far more complicated.

In order to simplify the code of the first two functions, I will:

  1. use more special forms (or different variants of special forms)
  2. try to eliminate the functions as independent units
  3. if necessary, use more forms provided by racket (most of them can be added to any scheme with macros)
Here is the first function; I often use a "sub-lambda" to iterate only on the parameters which change. Here I use a let form (remember... let is sugar over lambda). I believe code is simpler, here.

(define simplify-by-weight
  (lambda (weight ch n digits)
    (let loop ([n n] [digits digits])
      (cond ((< n weight) (cons n digits))
             (loop (- n weight) (cons ch digits)))))))

It is simple enough to be removed:

(define simplify-all
  (lambda (weights n digits)
      ((null? weights) digits)
       (let* ([weight (caar weights)]
              [ch (cadar weights)]
              [ret (let loop ([n n] [digits digits])
                     (cond ((< n weight) (cons n digits))
                            (loop (- n weight) (cons ch digits)))))]
              [n (car ret)]
              [digits (cdr ret)])
         (simplify-all (cdr weights) n digits))))))

In fact, with let-values and values code could be simplified a lot.
Essentially here the problem is that we have two nested loops
and they loop on two different things and the value of n is logically modified.

Here we are simply using named lets to express loops:

(define simplify-all
  (lambda (weights n digits)
    (let next-weight ([n n]
                      [digits digits]
                      [weight-pair (car weights)]
                      [weights (cdr weights)])
      (let  ([weight (car weight-pair)]
             [ch (cadr weight-pair)])
        (let simplify-again ([n n] [digits digits])
            ((< n weight)
               ((null? weights) digits)
               (else (next-weight n digits (car weights) (cdr weights)))))
             (simplify-again (- n weight) (cons ch digits)))))))))                   

Now the tentative is using the destructive state change:

(define simplify-all-e
  (lambda (weights n digits)
     (lambda (weight-pair)
       (let  ([weight (car weight-pair)]
              [ch (cadr weight-pair)])
         (let simplify-again ()
             ((< n weight) null)
              (set! n (- n weight))
              (set! digits (cons ch digits))
The above code can be improved using the for special form and unless (which we should already have used):
(define simplify-all
  (lambda (weights n digits)
    (for ([weight-pair weights])
      (let  ([weight (car weight-pair)]
             [ch (cadr weight-pair)])
        (let simplify-again ()
          (unless (< n weight)
            (set! n (- n weight))
            (set! digits (cons ch digits))

We are still longer than the four python lines, but we are no longer more complicated. In fact, considering scheme macros, we can define a while/until pair of special forms which simplify the code greatly:

(define simplify-all-g
  (lambda (weights n digits)
    (for ([weight-pair weights])
      (let  ([weight (car weight-pair)]
             [ch (cadr weight-pair)])
        (until  (< n weight)
            (set! n (- n weight))
            (set! digits (cons ch digits)))))

Some performance measures here.

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