Sunday, August 15, 2010

Oh, my clojure! [TextMate and Vim]

I started hacking with clojure some time ago. I was looking for a decent language on the JVM and I found a wonderful language. Since it was "JVM stuff" I started working with JVM tools. That it to say, Idea.
Which is great, by the way.

Now I believe my reluctancy to use clojure is related to Idea. Idea has a rigid "project-based" approach. I kind of circumvented it creating a "clojure" project where I put all my scripts, and it kind of works. However, most of the wonderful features of IntelliJ are not useful in Clojure (I have HOF and macros, who needs IDE code-generation?).

On the other hand, I happily use Emacs for most lispish (and functional languages in general) I use. It works great: the interpreter is in its frame and I can just try snippets of code. By the way this is available with LaClojure (that is to say IntelliJ clojure plugin) as well. Well, it was, since now it is broken and does not work with clojure 1.1.

Here I found instructions on adding nice clojure support to TextMate. In principle the support looks rather good, though it seems broken. I have no time right now to fix it.
Edit: apparently it is not an issue with TM bundle. I had issues with cake related to the interaction between some environment variables set by zsh (with my custom zshrc file) and cake. Now the thing works as expected. Still, no REPL by design. Probably the REPL is meant to be in the terminal and that's it. Nonetheless, I don't like it very much.

The instruction for vim are here and here you can directly download the package. Unfortunately the package seems to have been compiled for windows and I probably should recompile and do a bit of configuration. The documentation is not extremely clear, though it should do. Probably I will try to make it work. Right now does syntax highlighting and all the nice editor things: the piece which I did not manage to make it work is the REPL inside vim.

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