Saturday, July 28, 2012

Orwell Dev-C++: Dev-C++ Released

Not a big fan of Windows C++ IDEs.... well I'm not a big fan of Windows, I'm not a big fan of IDEs and I don't particularly like C++ either. As far as I'm concerned, if you really need a C++ IDE for Windows you should have started using CodeBlocks or Eclipse. However, if you really want to stick with Dev-C++, at least grab this new version.

The importance of using a modern C++ compiler should not be overlooked.

Orwell Dev-C++: Dev-C++ Released: Time for another pile of bug fixes. I've also added a few features, like an updated set of built in compiler options and full file path hint...


vemv said...

Not a cpp guy (nor Microsoft advocate), but what is exactly wrong with Visual Studio?

It always seemed to me like the-IDE-to-use if I were to code these sort of things.

Unknown said...

Nothing is really wrong. A part from the price. I feel like the free variant is not especially better than its open source competitors.

Besides, working with a single compiler on every platform is definitely a plus.