The short story is that a group of researchers created yet another language. And I see nothing wrong with that. Most people sooner or later implement their own language (or wish to); researchers just do it more often. These languages usually have specific goals and some of them become widespread programming languages. Other remain academic toys. This particular language was created to be intuitive and easy to use. And the researcher meant to make it intuitive and easy with usability studies. I will comment on the idea later.
Fact is, that they put out a paper which compared their Quorum language with Perl and another language they designed to be bad. And they claim that the accuracy rates of their users were similar for Perl and Randomo (the bad language) and worse than Quorum.
Does Perl suck?
The question is that the story became very popular because of this: because they claim to have scientifically proved that Perl sucks. And such pieces of news have huge diffusion. The essence here is that I do not think that the results are so very relevant: they used only the easy part of Perl. As a consequence, I think that many other languages would have scored similarly. And think about it... if the easy part of Perl is hard for novices... what about the hard one?
As far as I can tell, the thing is mostly a syntactical issue. I haven't found papers on the full semantics of Quorum. From the examples in the paper, it looks like the illegitimate child of Ada and Ruby. I'm sure that I'm missing something, but it is mostly a matter of substituitions like:
for -> repeat [ which other major language had a repeat statement? ]
float -> number [*very* clear, especially before explaining the noobs how much different are floating point numbers from real numbers]
I don't consider it particularly readable. On the contrary to me something like:
if d > e then return d end else then return e end
looks like a walking syntax error. I think I would take lot of time to convince me that it is proper english. I'm not a native speaker, but to me:
if something is true, then do this, else do that
sounds quite more convincing than:
if something is true, then do this, else then do that
All considered, it seems to me that they are optimizing the easy part of learning. The syntax is an issue in the first like 2-3 months of programming. After that the problems become semantic and theoretic. Computer Science is hard. It is not the syntax of the programming language you first learn to program with that makes it easier.
To me, it looks like they would use sponge rubber balls to make rugby less violent, completely ignoring the full contact issue.
Besides, I believe that most people who have serious issues with the syntax of todays' programming languages would also have problems with the semantics and with calculus and lambda calculus and whatever hard stuff is taught in the courses. Moreover, hiding the complexity is not always a good thing.
In a computer we can't represent a real number. We know that. At a given point in our curriculum, we also know exactly why. However, usually the odd behavior of floating point number strikes. Odd in the sense that people usually expect them to behave like real numbers. They do not.
A popular surprise is in Python when they use the console to make operations. In older Python versions, a number was printed just how it was in memory.
>>> 1.1 1.1000000000000001
and guess what... this is extremely surprising for noobies (and in Python 2.7 the algorithm changed so that the printed number tries to be more 'intuitive' and in the case just prints 1.1). The fact is that 1.1 cannot be represented in memory (as a floating point number) and an approximation is used. This is quite hard stuff.
Pretending that floating point numbers are not floating point numbers is going to lead to disaster as soon as things get rough. So, I while I think there are far easier languages to learn to program with than Perl (Python, Ruby, Scheme) I don't think that Quorum is such a huge advantage past the "very very noob - why this does not compile if(foo); {...} else; {...}" part. And that is not the part to optimize.
And what about quorum?
Unfortunately enough, I do not know very much about usability. So I really cannot comment their methods. However, I think that I can say a couple of things from the point of view of language design. The first thing is that most languages that I think are worth learning and using have some very complex stuff and that stuff is what makes the language powerful. With powerful here I mean that it gets the job done quicker, with less line of code and, why not, shapes the programmer's mind in good ways, giving him insight.
Remove this advanced stuff and you have only dumb ugly languages. Such languages would not make you or your programs better. Remove first order functions and macros from Lisp or Clojure and you are just coding Pascal.
And I'm not exactly sure that "usability" can be applied to programming language design. Some argue that since most "experts" disagree on which features should be added to a programming language (and agree that having them all is a bad thing), such studies are needed to determine how to build the one and "true" language. And I have to say that I disagree.
Democracy plainly does not work in technical issues. Noob programmers are plainly not entitled to discuss about advanced language features that they have not yet the experience to understand and which solve problems they have not yet encountered. So called "professional" (i would say business) programmers do not care about the programming language, be it Java or Cobol. They probably would not have advanced features either, because they may thing such features would slow their juniors down. They mostly care about powerful libraries: the discussion is not at the language level, but at an architectural level. They don't do algorithms, they have to make complex under-documented systems interact and work correctly.
So we have just people who "love" programming languages. People who have a strong opinion on how a programming language should be. And guess what? We disagree. Some of us prefer Ruby to Python. Someone else thinks they are the same and that Haskell is the best.
The simple decision of creating an object oriented imperative language is a very strong assumption. I could not rationally say that object oriented is easier than functional programming. Not even if I thought it. And you can't ask noobs if they prefer functional languages (which they do not know what they are), nor you can ask business programmers (which probably dislike them). And if you ask to object zealots, they will answer that FP is just harder.... however, if you ask to functional programmers, they will say that FP languages are easier.
There are lots of design issues which are too bloody architectural to be decided with statistics.
Regarding the Quorum language itself... I strolled through the library files. And what? I changed my initial opinion... its more something between VisualBasic and Java. It has generics. Which are one of the things which are bloody harder to understand in Java (especially if you throw in extends, ? and company). And if you don't, you have a type-system that cannot express some perfectly useful stuff.
It has packages and includes (they are just called 'use'). The nice thing is that Java without an IDE is a PITA partly because of the redundancy of the interaction between classpath/packages and directory structure. And as far as I can tell that stuff is still there. Not sure that being strongly typed makes things easier for the noobs too.
Well, good luck then... my first impression is that it is basically Java without some nice stuff and a visual basic-ish syntax. On the other hand the compiler code looks very well written (still... writing compilers in Haskell/scheme is just so much easier than doing that in Java)... but really: in 2011, with everybody re-discovering the merits of functional programming (Clojure/Land of Lisp/Learn yourself Haskell/Racket/.../C# being more functional than ever/Erlang)... do we need yet another object oriented language?