Once upon a time, in the land of the Clojure, there was a brilliant student who enquired the nature of things and he for that he was greatly loved and appreciated by his teachers, for he was brilliant and asked about the nature of things and they could explain him the world. He learned about macros and first order functions and actors and software transactional memory and he was happy. But then he began to focus on the nature of recur and he felt that something was amiss and the way trampolines and functions interact made him wonder.
During a short holiday he was in Schemeland, and he saw that they did not use recur. They named the functions and called them with their name in tail position and that was the way they did. And he felt it was good. So he asked his Master:
"Why can the schemers call the functions in tail position and their stacks never end?"
And the Master told him that it was because their soil is fertile, while the land of the Clojure is just an oasis in the wastes of Javaland.
"We are lucky," he added, "for our land still gives us food spontaneously and the air does not drives us mad. And our spring is natural and not a framework. And if you do not like recur, you can always map, for or loop. Higher order functions and macros can help you to hide what you do not like, for you are the master of your own language."
For a while the student was content, still he had a recurring thought: functions can do everything and in Church he did not find recur but only functions. And so he learned Y. But Y is a demanding beast, for it requires functions to be defined awkwardly. And the student wanted to simply write:
(defn factorial [n acc]
(if (= n 0)
(factorial (- n 1) (* n acc))))
His Master saw him troubled and in pain, and one day a big application they were creating exploded with a StackOverflowError and he knew that unless the student was cured he could not be writing code with the others. So one evening, he told his student that if he really wanted to learn the secrets to make tail-call recursive functions run with constant stack usage, he shall go to the Land of Snakes, where they eat only Spam and Eggs, to look for some wise men and have them teach the secrets of creating tail recursion at language level. And he warned the student that the travel was dangerous.
The young student was frightened, because the Land of Snake is far away and he was barely aware of the perils that lurked in the shadow. However, his resolve was strong and he packed his things, an editor and few jars to survive the wastes of Javaland, and ventured forth. He travelled through the dull wastes where everything is private or protected and he has to ask things to do things for him. But as most people grew up in the land of Clojure, he knew that objects are but closure in disguise and he new how to bind them to his will with the power of the dot form.
After three days and three nights he eventually reached the Mines of Ruby and where massive gates blocked his way. He spoke the words as his master instructed (password: mellon), but the gate remained closed, for someone monkey-patched it and the door now spoke english, but the student did not know it and with failure in his heart he left the place, because he was trained in the ways of Lambda and could not cope with such a stateful abomination.
After months of wandering, he eventually reached Schemeland, where he at least could tail recur without recur. He spent another month drowning his pain into first class continuations and losing hope to ever come back to the land of Clojure, until one day he overhead the men telling tales at the tavern about a pythonista adventuring to Schemeland. The student sought the pythonista and eventually he found him and he asked him about the secrets of recursion and the pythonista showed him code and the student was happy because he knew classes are another word for closures and he was a master of closures. But he also understood that state was the missing element and he was saddened, because he also knew that state is treacherous.
Nonetheless, he felt he had come to far to be stopped by the formal purity of stateless programming and he eventually wrote the code. Little is known of what happened afterwards. Some claim he finally found his way to the lend of the Snake, after having extendedly monkey-wrenched the monkey patcher, other say that he went back to the Land of the Clojure.
I, your humble narrator, do not know the truth. I tried nonetheless to follow the student's step and implement myself the function that makes tail recursive calls without using recur. Ugly it is, and is indeed but an illusion, for recur lies inside the implementation. Still, it does the trick:
(defrec factorial [n acc]
(if (= n 0)
(factorial (- n 1) (* n acc))))
And here the code:
(defn uuid [] (str (java.util.UUID/randomUUID)))
(defn tail-recursive [f]
(let [state (ref {:func f :first-call true :continue (uuid)})]
(fn [& args]
(let [cont (:continue @state)]
(if (:first-call @state)
(let [fnc (:func @state)]
(alter state assoc :first-call false))
(loop [targs args]
(let [result (apply fnc targs)]
(if (= result cont)
(recur (:args @state))
(dosync (alter state assoc :first-call true)))))
(alter state assoc :args args)