So this is the third part after the
not so good reasons to learn Java and the
other good reasons to do it.
Java could be fun
Really. There is some stuff that is really nicely done. I like Akka, for example. And I find the idea of hacking with assertion really funny. It is a totally different approach to meta-programming that I really liked. I also like Antlr... after that every other library for imperative/oo-languages to build parsers seemed primitive.
There is some nice stuff in the Python world as well (and yeah, in Lisp you have Lisp and Haskell has wonderful stuff to). But I can tell: implement a language in Java and in C++. In Java you will be finished so much earlier... of course, other languages are faster too. But your team may not include other Haskell hackers.
Libraries, libraries, libraries
In Java there is a library for everything. Quite often, they are very well done, even if somewhat over-engineered. Probably my idea of over-engineering is a bit extreme (it comes from having seen lots of lean languages). But really, they are robust and well tested.
Moreover, Java is usually efficient enough to be a decent contendant for more demanding tasks.. Maybe C/C++ can be avoided for your application (and Java libraries are usually easier to use than C++ ones).
Java as an intermediate level platform
Say you are interested in language design. As far as I can see, you have few choices.
- Write your own runtime, vm, etc. That was the "old" approach (Python, Ruby)
- Implement your language on the top of a Lisp[0] or Prolog[1] interpreter
- Use LLVM
- Use JVM
- Use CLR/Mono
I would rule out the latter, because I don't do any windows. Between LLVM and JVM as far as I understand it may depend on the language. JVM has a few quirks (who said lack of TCO?), but has plenty of available documentation, real world examples (Scala & Clojure),
a large number of developers working for the well-being of the plarform, and a huge amount of libraries, libraries, libraries you may want to use.
LLVM is probably going to be faster, though. And has lots of optimizations and stuff for static languages. In any case, to make an informed choice, you need to know Java
Tools (IDEs, Maven, Ant)
IDEs are the bless and the curse of Java. After having used for sometime IntelliJ I really feel that the amount of functionality that IDEs for other languages offer is puny. The possible exception is Emacs for Lisps.
The funny thing is that I'm not an IDE gui. However, really, when you do refactoring (even simple stuff like moving functions and files around) it is an invaluable time-saver. I miss vim as a text manipulating programming language, but still... for Java IDEs are almost necessary.
And not only bridge part of the gap with other languages, they have lots of useful stuff.
Regarding Maven... well, I just like it. I also like the fact that I'm able to build IntelliJ projects from Maven scripts is wonderful. And also Ant is a very good tool (although rather over-engineered). My humble opinion is that Ant is far easier to use than the whole autotools company. This may also have something to do with the fact that the whole Java deploy process is easier.
In any case, the point here is not how cool is Maven. Developers from other platform may want to know what is boiling up in Java-land. Sometimes we have sub-par tools and we do not even know it. Of course quite often Java tools fix "Java problems" that are different from the ones we have in other languages. Sometimes not.
E.g., the design of Maven could inspire similar tools for the other platform. Both for its strengths and for its weaknesses (to avoid them, of course).
Learn "classical" threads
Ah, this is weak. However, other languages have a "threading" module that is heavily inspired by the way Java does threading. I don't particularly like it, but being familiar with it may be a very good idea. As far as I can tell, is also what most people have in mind when thinking about threading. Who am I to say that they are wrong? I can just tell them there is better stuff.
And yes, pthreads are even more a PITA.
Find Java in other languages. Sometimes.
This is basically the extended version of the older argument. Java is hugely popular. Many "new" things are created in Javaland, and then are ported to other platforms. Or perhaps are not
created but became first popular inside the Java community.
For example, xUnit libraries are available everywhere, but I think that most people first started working with it in Java. Some of the authors of the original Smalltalk library actively work on JUnit, etc etc etc.
I do not think that Java is particularly good. Not particularly bad, either. It is not the kind of enlightening language Scheme is. It is not easy to use and predictable like Python. However, its popularity may make it unwise not to learn it. Especially for communication reasons:
- Books
- Other developers (talking about OOP, libraries)
- New ideas brewed in Javaland
wow... that's it. ;)
[0] Scheme, Clojure, Common Lisp...
[1] Erlang was created this way, even if now it has its own (wonderful) runtime