No language is perfect. Most languages do not even come close. Some give the programmer the tools to bridge the gap between his idea of perfection and the actual language. Most of these tools are under the "meta-programming" umbrella, and macros are probably the more powerful.
Macros are dangerous tools, indeed. Most articles, books and posts on macros mention somewhere not to abuse macro usage, because they make the programs less clear (TODO: mention somewhere not to abuse macro usage; DONE).
One of the trickiest part is avoiding unwanted symbol capture. Here the the Lisp world divides: some think that symbol capture should be syntactically banned (or something like that), some believe that it is the programme's task to avoid unwanted symbol capture (with the underlying assumption that wanted symbol capture is fine).
I’m not usually happy when a feature is designed not to let me do something; well, quite depending from that something, indeed. I’m not at all concerned with higher level languages not letting me hacking directly with memory; but as far as I can tell, that is more a question of “language model” than of “designing a language not to let me do something”. In fact, Hoyte goes a long way in motivating that symbol capture is not a bug, but a feature.
I believe he is right. I do not find it hard to find situations where I want symbol capture to occur. Of course, in his book, he gives plenty of examples about that; but that’s not the point. I am limiting this to the context of clojure.
First, clojure has a nice feature to make it easier to avoid unwanted symbol capture without actually forbidding that. I’m talking about placing a # at the end of an identifier to gensym a new symbol. This is nice to have, nice to use, nice to understand and solves brilliantly the common cases.
But the point is wanted symbol capture. In Clojure we have an interesting example: when creating a gen-class, the methods take an additional explicit parameter “this” (a-la Python, %s/this/self/gi). Like in Python, this is a conventional name, and could be called in any way; still, since Java has an implicit this reference to the current object, it is nice to maintain the convention.
This is a typical example when we explicitly introduce names. It is easy to understand, easy to write and that’s it. There is no capture involved, as we are simply using a function parameter. On the other hand, code in the proxy macro refers to the proxy being created with “this”.
It can’t be changed (as far as I know) since it is injected by the macro. In fact this is wanted symbol capture. The authors want to capture the symbol “this” in the client code and give it meaning. Looking at the code of proxy, it is rather explict.
Both approaches have their advantages: explicit this is easier to understand. Knowledge about how functions work is sufficient to read (and write the code). On the other hand, the proxy macro requires us to know something more: in fact it is a true “new” piece of language. If we did not know that proxy “magically” injects this, we could not understand/write the code. Probably we would say that the code is wrong as “this” should not be bound to anything there.
On the other hand, auto-this in proxies somewhat reduces code clutter. I have not a distinct opinion whether it is a good thing or if I’d prefer explicit this. Perhaps I’d prefer uniformity: that is to say, explicit this everywhere or implicit this everywhere. Though, that part of clojure is under active design and development.
Back to my macro abuses
This post started because of a macro I wrote. The first version is “clean” as it does not capture anything.
(defmacro let-attributes* [this state-method attrs & body]
`(let [{:keys ~attrs} @(. ~this ~state-method)] ~@body))
which would be used as:
(defn exp [this foo]
(let-attributes* this state [bar baz]
(println bar baz foo)))
Essentially it just wraps let+keys to provide a slightly terser syntax (in fact, I find it boring to use .state all the time; I have to say that it is one of the parts of clojure I like less). However, it is still rather verbose. I have to manually specify things I would rather not; in fact, in my code this is always called this and state is always called state, as I did not find a better name.
So I wrote a second version of the macro. A version that is not clean.
(defmacro let-attributes [attrs & body]
(apply list 'let-attributes* 'this 'state attrs body))
And the usage would be just:
(defn exp [this foo]
(let-attributes [bar baz]
(println bar baz foo)))
In fact, is very dirty as it depends from the context where is expanded (which makes it different from the proxy macro). It assumes that “this” is bound to an object with a .state method. But is faster to write.
Here we can also spot the other problem with macros. I believe that every clojure developer is tempted to write his own macros. Macros that may solve similar purposes, but are inherently different. Code using such macros looks different at a different level than code which just uses different libraries and functions.
This is essentially the problem with fiddling with the language itself, which is what happens when we are writing a macro. Basically every time we write and use a macro, we are developing (inc clojure).
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"Let Over Lambda" (Doug Hoyte)
Technorati Tags: Clojure, Lisp, Programming